from The Superficial & Daily Mirror
Lily Allen and Elton John presented the GQ Men of the Year Awards last night in London. Things got out of hand when Lily kept downing champagne like it was the antidote which pissed off Elton John and ended in the two exchanging words on-stage over who could snort the most coke. The Daily Mail reports:
When she came to announce '...and now the most important part of the night', Elton chipped in 'What? Are you going to have another drink?'
She fired back: 'F*** off Elton. I am 40 years younger than you and have my whole life ahead of me!'
The shocked audience fell silent.
A clearly rattled Elton replied 'I could still snort you under the table'. To which she replied: 'F*** off. I don't know what you are talking about.'
On more than one occasion, Elton could be seen having a stern word with her in the wings between awards. She barely made it off the stage after the awards ended - before drinking even more at the afterparty.
Folks, we've got ourselves a Snort Off. Okay, first one to OD and die, wins. Ready... GO!
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