Hello, Mienfokers ! Today is the 2nd anniversary of MIENFOKS. It was a cold day in late March 2007, when out of shear boredom and curiosity that I crawled out of bed and started blogging.

How much I have learned about linking and embedding and copyright infringement ! What a long strange trip it has been (gratuitous song reference)

I thank every one: friends, family, Facebookers, Twitterers and people who randomly search google, who have visited MIENFOKS and a special shout out to those brave few who have actually clicked on the sponsor ads !

and especially - the real heart of the Mienfoks, the people who had their picture taken with a MIENFOKS t-shirt !!!

What can I say it has been a blast. Waking up every day a 5AM and data mining the popular news sites and Youtubes to bring you the latest in comedy and mockery, the pleasure has been all mine...

...and to those other more corporate bloggers who's content I have continually harvested as my very own I thank you !

This two year experiment in the blog-o-sphere has been nothing if not a huge outlet of my ego driven desires to manipulate the hearts and minds of the viewing public by distracting you from concentrating your energies on things that actually matter.

Some say it was for the money... and to be honest with you the ad revenue is up about 100% over last year, but 200% of nothing is still nothing(as well as mathematically impossible !)

Thank for reading, watching and in some extreme cases touching the screen of MIENFOKS
I wish you all well as this experiment has come to an end and I am quite burnt !
Peace and prosperity
A P R I L F O O L S - M I E N F O K E R S ! ! !We will be back soon !
Just taking a little vaction break !

Mienfoks is retooling for a more spectacular more original more hilarious format !
Until then(April 15th ???)Please enjoy the archive section where you will find thousands of old and wonderful links a veritable tour de force of the last two years in POP culture featuring hotties, hommies and hootenannies !
...and do not forget to check out the Mienfoking News Channel below !
PS if you follow MIENFOKS@TWITTER I will be linking the juciest of the archive links!